It is better for us if we can drop quickly, earn more and more credits, and the consequence is, many people follow you to drop on your Entrecard as thanks.
One natural question is: How can we drop quickly, earning more credits in short time?
Many people answer this question by many ways. There are some people saying that, they can drop 300 credits in about 20 minutes. I don't believe that! Of course, it depends also on the speed of your internet network. I have tried by my self, and I just earn 200 credits in 20 minutes.
Following I tell you how to do it. Of course, if you follow my tips, you can earn more or less credits, longer of shorter,... it also depends on the speed of your internet connection.
I suppose that you are using Firefox. You can do the same for IE (using the function Add to Favorites instead of Bookmarks in Firefox).
First of all, on the first day, you drop on about 200 sites (it may take you more time). Note that, when you drop each site, you bookmark it in a folder in your Bookmarks menu (for example, I have bookmarked in a folder whose name is Entrecard-List). So you will have 200 links in the same folder in Bookmarks menu.
On the second day, you can open 200 sites at the same time by: Go to Bookmarks menu, go to the folder where you have saved 200 links, go to the end of the list you will see Open all in Tabs. Click into this button, 200 links will open at the same time. Be careful! Your Computer will stop running immediately! To avoid that, you should separate into many folders, each folder has about 20 sites, and do the same as above to open 20 sites at the same time. You drop on each site. After finish the first folder, you continue to open the second folder, do the same, and so on.
One other way to help your computer working faster is that, you save all sites in a same folder, and after that, go to the Bookmarks menu, click into Organize Bookmarks, the Library appears, go to Bookmarks Menu, and go the the folder you have made. The list of 200 sites will appear on the right side of your Library. You make highlight for about 20 sites, then open all of them by using Open all in Tabs. You drop all of these 20 sites. After finishing to drop, you make bold on other 20 sites, do the same, and do it until finish your list of 200 sites.
I wish that my experience can help you drop on Entrecard faster, and can help you solve your traffic problem.