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Thursday, October 2, 2008

145 Plurkers from Problogger

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If you’re looking to connect with other bloggers one of the newer social messaging services, Plurk, then you are going to enjoy this list of 145 of them who submitted their Plurk profiles in the ProBlogger Social Media Love-In.

Plurk has been a wonderful place of community, networking and profile building for me (read about my first month on Plurk here) and if you’re not using it I do recommend you give it some consideration - starting with the following group of Plurkers.

PS: Also see our other lists of Digg users who blog, StumbleUpon Users who Blog, Twitter Users who Blog, and Facebook Users who Blog.

Tip: If you hold down the ‘CTRL’ key while clicking on links, they’ll open up in new tabs, so you won’t lose this page or lose your place (you can open them in chunks of 10, 20, what have you). I know for a fact this works in FireFox, and I believe it works in IE 7 as well.

  1. darrenrowse
  2. larakulpa
  3. illvox
  4. renkai
  5. slaptijack
  6. greenyourdecor
  7. moneymatters
  8. LiveCrunch
  9. amitbhawani
  10. andrewg
  11. alexmclean
  12. chrispian
  13. gassho
  14. terencechang
  15. ryanmiller
  16. FreelanceTwins
  17. psionmark
  18. chrisg
  20. marubozo
  21. rhyswynne
  22. tenkabuto
  23. kp2575
  24. chicandcharming
  25. lucianop
  26. elizabethpw
  27. BenColeman
  28. simplemom
  29. max_forlani
  30. neverg
  32. patricksweeney
  33. FeedbackSecrets
  34. ConnieFoggles
  35. GrantMc
  36. veronicaromm
  37. HomeConstructionImprovement
  38. soultravelers3
  39. diligentdesign
  40. thePuck
  41. ZenElements
  42. farho
  43. ejcooksey
  44. dazzer67
  45. thaya
  46. lewishowes
  47. Momma
  48. riayn
  49. adamtyler
  50. scot_newbury
  51. Krijali
  52. deepesthealth
  53. screamstressblogger
  54. heystephanie
  55. tneilen
  56. idesignstudios
  57. contrapuntist
  58. soccerdad
  59. balkhis
  60. thefencepost
  61. gavethat
  62. uberdev
  63. hwakelam
  64. OutdoorsNZ
  65. tcdzomba
  66. dlozarie
  67. Gabiru
  68. dotlizard
  69. FatGreta
  70. TheHappyRock
  71. rebeccajones
  72. paysonjewelry
  73. JonSymons
  74. flamehair
  75. tyropearl
  76. Lightening
  77. shaicoggins
  78. laffarsmith
  79. TheNanny612
  80. siyab
  81. Archit
  82. paulbaranda
  83. KatyInLasVegas
  84. craftapalooza
  85. NewMoola
  86. rolandhesz
  87. LidiaAnain
  88. cdhinton
  89. DebMomOf3
  90. lurking
  91. recruitmentnick
  92. MaryJaksch
  93. leonwestbrook
  94. ablenetdesign
  95. jayme
  96. sailorg
  97. Geeklife
  98. makakman
  99. metaverseoz
  100. MatthewBennett
  101. TheDudeDean
  102. hughnichols
  103. Sheamus
  104. coqui2008
  105. facibus
  106. KarenLynch
  107. meganfitzgerald
  108. modernmami
  109. alfredbonnabel
  110. nlbctim
  111. maddiegrant
  112. dazzlindonna
  113. donmak
  114. Vaianp
  115. lostintechnology
  116. joetek
  117. compostman
  118. terriwoda
  119. jjx
  120. tagliaerbe
  121. L_buckets
  122. greenmacva
  123. homey
  124. louisliem
  125. ktcosmos
  126. runkittyrun
  127. BlogSquad
  128. toun
  129. mseman
  130. standup101
  131. balibones
  132. menstrualpoetry
  133. photochicki
  134. SnoopBloggyBlog
  135. gracesmith
  136. booboosleeps
  137. theaardvark
  138. ChicShopperChick
  139. babynikita
  140. DustyRoses
  141. arieanna
  143. gwenny
  144. davidmullen
  145. connieragengreen


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